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It doesn’t always make sense.

Many consider it non-sense.

To believe in something that is invisible.

It does seem rather illogical.

Having such hope in something intangible.

But just because Faith cannot be held by our finite logic,

Does that disprove the need of its existence?

What is life without hope? What is life without faith to fuel our hope?

Most importantly, what is life without the reason for our hope?

Faith is the life to your soul; it makes us whole.

Sure, it will require you to step out of yourself.

But you haven’t made it this far by yourself.

So why try to depend on self?

Let’s leave that on the shelf.

Let go of trying to figure things out.

You can’t help God. You can only let God--

By letting go of the plans that you’ve made up in your mind.

Have faith from your heart over your mind.

Because when you put faith over mind, that is when you see signs--

And visions that will leave you in wonder.

Faith provides insight. It helps you navigate the twists and turns of life.

Because it reminds you that no matter what it may look like, everything is gonna be alright.

Faith gives you strength to stay in the fight.

Because morning comes after the night.

Faith is the foundation under everything; it makes life worth living.

It is the lens through which we get a glimpse of Jesus;

It is how we know that He’ll never leave us.

By faith, nothing can defeat us.

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    It doesn’t always make sense. Many consider it non-sense, to believe in something that is invisible. It does seem rather illogical. Having such hope in something intangible. But just because Faith ca...
  • Faith

    It doesn’t always make sense. Many consider it non-sense, to believe in something that is invisible. It does seem rather illogical. Having such hope in something intangible. But just because Faith ca...
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    Our plan for 2020 at New Light Full Gospel Baptist Church is to trust the Lord from the bottom of our hearts and not try to figure out everything on our on. We will listen to God in everything we do a...
